Products containing Smokenol™ will feel different because the diversity and balance of cannabinoids in smoke have different effects than products made with primarily one cannabinoid.
Most people prefer the effects of smoking over edibles. This is due largely to the fact that the cannabinoid composition of cannabis smoke is different than that of the plant. Conventional edibles are made from cannabinoids extracted from the ‘raw’ plant which are then heated at the lowest temperature necessary to ‘activate’ (decarboxylate) while still preserving the THC and CBD. These extracts usually consist predominantly of THC or CBD, but do not contain the richer diversity and balance of cannabinoids created by the high heat necessary to make cannabis smoke.
Smokenol is made by extracting cannabinoids and terpenes from cannabis smoke. Because of this, Smokenol will cause different effects than conventional extracts – effects more similar to those of cannabis smoke.
NO. Cannabinoids and other compounds naturally transform when 'smoked' (heated). We use no chemicals, high pressure, or other artificial mechanisms to do this. We simply heat ground hemp in an oven at temperatures high enough to create smoke and then use our patented filtration method to capture cannabinoids, terpenes, and some of the plant's fatty acids from the smoke.
When you smoke, cannabinoids in the smoke are transferred directly from the lungs to the bloodstream and onset of effects is fast. Edibles must pass through the digestive system before entering the bloodstream. Onset of their effects is relatively slow and effects are longer lasting than from smoking.
Cannabinoids in edibles are metabolized by the liver (primarily) to form different molecules. For example, Delta-9-THC will convert to 11-Hydroxy-THC which has different effects than Delta-9-THC
The high heat of smoking significantly transforms the cannabinoid (and terpene) profile of the plant. For example, a significant portion of the Delta-9-THC will convert to CBN, a portion of the CBD will convert to CBND, and other cannabinoids will transform as well. This means that the formulation of ingredients that cause the beneficial effects of smoking are different than the formulation in the plant and different from those in conventional edibles.
Over 75% of cannabis patients prefer the effects of smoking.
Ingestible and inhalable products made with Smokenol™ have active ingredients harvested from cannabis smoke and will have effects more like smoking than conventional edibles and vapes.
Using a patented method, cannabis flower is heated and cannabinoids and terpenes are selectively extracted from the smoke. This extract is then used as the primary active ingredient of products such as pills, capsules, gummies, tinctures and topicals.
Products containing Smokenol ™ will feel different because of the unique diversity and balance of cannabinoids. Conventional edibles are made from cannabinoids extracted from the ‘raw’ plant which are then heated at the lowest temperature necessary to ‘activate’ (decarboxylate) while still preserving the THC and CBD. These extracts usually consist predominantly of THC or CBD but do not contain the richer diversity and balance of cannabinoids created by the high heat necessary to make cannabis smoke.
Approachable, casual conversations about how Cannabis and other natural products interact with your body . Real Isolates and Smokenol sponsor a podcast to discuss all the nitty gritty details of Cannabis science. The podcast has guests from all aspects of Cannabis such as patients, physicians, and even some celebrities! Our goal is to bridge the gap between the complex science of Cannabis and everyday users. Find us on Apple, Spotify or your favorite streaming service.
For wholesale inquiries for Profound Naturals™ hemp-derived (CBD) products or for licensing and manufacture of medicinal and adult-use cannabis Smokenol™ products please contact